

In the summer of 2012, a team of shepherds and ministers was formed to study and discern the role of women in public worship. As we considered the culture and context of early Christians, we were forced to ask difficult questions about interpretation as we sought answers from scripture. Through a variety of settings, we have studied, prayed, fasted, and sought wisdom from other churches that have also reconsidered this important issue. The study has been an exciting, challenging, and sometimes uncomfortable process as any deep, objective study of God’s word often becomes. 

As a result, we have concluded that before God, there is a calling and clear examples from Scripture to move in the direction of expanding women’s roles in public worship. We believe it to be in keeping with what would have been experienced in the early church as well.

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We believe that true restoration isn’t a destination. Instead, it is the relentless pursuit of engaging scripture and returning to life as God intended. As a family of believers who are actively partnering with God to help restore brokenness both in Memphis and around the world, we encourage all who are interested to study the content in both the videos and documents below.





Our Sycamore View shepherds and ministry staff spent years of study on the role of women in public worship. If you would like the documentation from our study, please click any of the buttons below.


We realize expanding the role of women in public worship is a refreshing and exciting aspect of “restoring” for many here at Sycamore View, and different, challenging, and even uncomfortable for others. Yet the goal as always is to honor God and glorify Him here, so we trust that we all will be patient as the Lord has His way with us and the voices of our sisters are now welcomed here at Sycamore View.